1. Glue up
Boards are glued up, jointed, planed and cut to a rough length.
2. Base
The bottom of the coffin is cut to shape from 1/2” plywood.
3. Dado and Kerf
Dadoes and kerfs are cut and fitted
5. Glue-up
Sides and ends are glued and screwed. Plugs are fitted to cover the screw holes.
7. Fitting
Once the bottom is complete, The lid is pieced built and fitted.
8. Complete Lid
Final elements are fitted and any decorations are carved and mounted.
4. Sides and Ends
Sides and ends are fitted
6. Trim and Handles
The ends are trimmed and sanded. Handles are made and mounted. Commercial handles can also be used
9. Finish
The coffin is stained and finished based on customer preferences.
10. Upholstery
Beginning with the sides, upholstery is mounted. The bottom is upholstered as a separate piece and fitted in the bottom.
11. Final Assembly
The lid and any final assembly is completed. The coffin is crated for delivery or pickup
12. A vintage coffin
Don’t be caught dead without one